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Marvel's Avengers: Spider-Man

Source: Crystal Dynamics / Marvel’s Avengers: Spider-Man With Great Power Hero Event

It’s been ten years since “The Avengers” first came out.  So to celebrate, Buzzfeed has a list of behind-the-scenes facts about the movie.  For instance, Tom Hiddleston says that when Thor hits Loki, Chris Hemsworth really hits him in real life.  Also, while filming one post-credit scene, Chris Hemsworth had to wear a prosthetic to cover his facial hair.  And Mark Ruffalo said that Robert Downey Jr. convinced him to give the role of Hulk a shot.

What other fun facts do you know about Marvel films? Which Marvel character is your favorite? (Haze says Thor all day everyday!) What is you favorite Avenger movie? (Ragnarok)

The new Thor is coming soon!!