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I am all in on these Social Bands.

The bands, which are worn on the wrist, are like the bands people wear to support causes. Think the yellow Livestrong rubber bands. The difference is instead of telling everyone you are involved with some malady you are letting everyone know you don’t want their sloppy, cootie ridden, hug (okay, that hug description may have been over the top, but that’s why I’m not in their marketing department). 

From their press release….“The wristbands take a cue from traffic lights: Red equals no contact; yellow indicates an elbow bump is okay; green means go in for the hug or the high-five.”

I know green might only mean a high-five, but huggers will see that as it’s hug GO time! 

I think this is only going to work if everyone is on board. The problem is the huggers are not really aware that not all welcome their body on body greeting. I’m guessing the majority of huggers would take offense if they came in for a hug and I raised my red banded wrist in defiance.

The Social Bands company say they created the bands for “trade shows, office buildings, churches, cruise ships, etc.” Trade shows make sense because everyone will be handed them when they check in. Church? So, you’re telling me when the person next to you in the pew reaches out for the passing of the peace, you’ll hit them with “the red wristed Heisman”!? As far as cruises are concerned, I’m not sure it matters if we touch or not. That germ ship has sailed.

I’m good with these social bands, but there will be judgement. If we are going to start showing our social boundaries let do bands that let people know our level of welcome interaction. Green would mean I’m open to small talk, yellow would mean I’m open to talk but keep it short or make sure it’s important, and red would mean do not open your pie hole in my direction.

Who is in?