A new report has revealed that the average life expectancy of people in the United States has fallen. The report from the American Journal of Public Health found that life expectancy of U.S. citizens has fallen behind that of other countries over the past four decades. In fact, life expectancy in the U.S. was said […]

Americans are some of the unhealthiest in the world. Our obesity rate is sky rocketing as well as the reliance on prescription drugs. According to experts, these are five of the unhealthiest habits in America right now. Consuming too much sugar, especially sweetened drinks like juice and soda. The American Heart Association recommends no more […]

New Study: Drinking Coffee May Cut Risk Of Chronic Liver Disease! If you are already on your second or third cup of coffee today – go ahead, have another. A new study from the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh found drinking caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee was associated with a reduced risk of […]