
  Let’s talk hormones, ladies! (Gentlemen, pay attention as well because it may make sense of some things for you!) So let me get this straight….not only do we women get to deal with hormones in our pre-pubescent years, but we also get to deal with them in crazy amounts during our childbearing years. Then, […]

Good News

April 16th every national park across the country will not have an entrance fee. America's most visited national park, The Great Smokey Mountains National Park, is right here in NC.

  The weather is changing. Flowers and trees are blooming. Spring is upon us! With that comes the sneezes. Before you run to the medicine cabinet, let’s talk about why it happens in the first place and how you can help combat the dreaded outdoor pollen. Believe it or not, it isn’t so much the […]

  Sugar is EVERYWHERE and it is highly addictive and destructive. Sugar destroys the immune system and actually feeds cancer cells and other diseases.  Do you even know the actual amount of sugar you consume each day? Holly Haze lets you in on some secrets. “Sugars are added to most foods on the shelves and […]

Just because a medicine is available over the counter, doesn’t mean it is safe to take daily. We’ve all been there though. Aches and pains happen. We reach for the acetaminophen or ibuprofen to work some magic. This is fine for once in a while, but was never meant to be an every day or […]

  Iodine is one of those minerals we don’t think too much about, but we should. The body needs it to produce the thyroid hormone. A couple of good questions to ask is how MUCH iodine is enough and how much is TOO much? That would depend on a few variables such as the source […]


Peloton is testing a new, more affordable pricing model. Looking to charge a monthly fee that covers the cost of both the equipment and their on-demand fitness classes.

  While the loss of a pet can have a profound impact on its owners, it can also affect other pets in the house, a new study reveals. The University of Milan study, released Thursday, found that dogs display behavioral changes similar to humans after losing canine companions. “Overall, dogs were reported to play and […]

  A while back Holly Haze did a blog about reading labels. The ingredients list on any given product can be daunting so she wanted to do a follow up regarding certain popular ingredients that are in almost everything and why you should stay clear of them. “The importance of knowing the ingredients is pretty […]

Americans are some of the unhealthiest in the world. Our obesity rate is sky rocketing as well as the reliance on prescription drugs. According to experts, these are five of the unhealthiest habits in America right now. Consuming too much sugar, especially sweetened drinks like juice and soda. The American Heart Association recommends no more […]