Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Apparently, Matt Harris is on this episode of OFF AIR with Matt & Ramona. Matt says he uses the word “Juxtapose” on a list of words that make you sound smarter, but Ramona says he has some “audacity” to even think he does. Plus, it’s raining MEAT! […]

Don’t we all want to sound “smarter”? We would think so we’re here to help you with your vocabulary! From our source,, we have 20 words that will make people think you’re smarter than a 5th grader! Articulate Accolade Brevity Anomaly Adulation Abysmal Candor Adept Exacerbate Vernacular Caveat Vacillate Juxtapose Aesthetic Ambiguous Quintessential Adequate […]

While it might seem like the class clown might be covering up for other things…research shows kids who are the class clown have a higher intelligence level and are successful later in life. Do you remember who the class clown was in your class? Holly Haze remembers..yep, Holly was class clown. For those of you […]