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A mid adult Japanese woman enjoying a car ride

Source: Riska / Getty

Uber released a list of 11 common things that riders left behind the MOST over the past year.  And they are:

Clothing . . . luggage . . . headphones . . . wallets . . . jewelry . . . phones . . . cameras .  . . tables . . . books . . . laptops . . . and vapes.

Uber also shared some of the weird things people left behind over the past year.

Those include:  A frontal hair toupee . . . hot sauce and a breathalyzer . . . someone panicked because they left behind a “leaf that’s much needed” (???) . . . two containers with spiders in them . . . a tray of meat pie . . .

A ceramic cat . . . a jar of oysters . . . a candle that says “See you in court” . . . a live pet turtle . . . a burrito steamer . . . Benihana garlic butter . . . a framed Taylor Swift autograph . . . a fart sensor . . . a #BestDayEver foam sign . . .

A fake butt . . . a thong . . . undergarments . . . a paternity test . . . a WWE championship belt . . . and a “large sticker with a dancing cartoon cat that says ‘Spanky Fest’ on it.”  (???)

Here are some other things from Uber’s report:

The “most forgetful” cities are:  Miami . . . Los Angeles . . . Atlanta . . . Houston . . . Dallas . . . Orlando . . . Phoenix . . . Tampa Bay . . . Denver . . . and Austin.

And some “lost and found trends” include:  The most popular color of lost items was RED.  The top lost car keys were from Mini Cooper owners.  January 21st is the most forgetful day of the year . . . and the most popular hours of the day lost items were reported were 9:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.