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Golden Retriever and British Shorthair lying down together

Source: chendongshan / Getty

American Humane celebrates the oldest commemorative week in U.S. history, the 108th “Be Kind to Animals Week.” This week invites people of all ages to engage and help make the world a kinder place for animals. The CEO of American Humane said, “The commemorative week provides people with the opportunity to contemplate the bigger picture of how their actions impact all the amazing creatures we share our planet with. And hopefully this week and every week we can celebrate kindness, compassion and love for our animal friends.”

To make a difference, American Humane is asking people to take a pledge on that will not only improve the lives of animals during the commemorative week but all year around.

Make sure to check our Furry Friday Friend of the week on Facebook and Instagram as we support area shelters and rescues.